
Overcoming the Status Quo

When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be healed?” John 5:6 (ESV)

What a seemingly odd question to ask an invalid of thirty-eight years! Of course, he wanted to be healed; otherwise, why would he be lying beside the pool of healing? Surely Jesus was asking the wrong question. The thing is, Jesus always looks beyond the superficial. What he was really asking was, “Do you truly want me to transform your life?”

Jesus does the same with you and me. Our ‘sickness’ may be bad habits, negative self-talk, insomnia, or reacting in anger. We can become so inured to our condition or situation that we accept it as the status quo and go on living as we have for the past thirty-eight years—until Jesus shows up and addresses the issue. Suddenly, we’re confronted with the reality of our daily struggle.

Today, I would invite you to take an honest look at your life. Are there issues that are holding you back in your spiritual walk with the Lord? Do you need His special touch? Acknowledge your condition. Address the problem and its effects on your life. Ask Him to help you gain victory over the issue, then act upon it. Don’t go back to laying on your mat because it’s the only existence you’ve ever known. Be done with your old lifestyle. A whole new way of living lies ahead of you.   

Prayer: Lord, please show me areas of my life that need your healing touch. Bring them to my attention so I can address them. I pray for change, for victory in overcoming my struggles. I pledge to act accordingly. I am no longer a slave to my negative thoughts and behaviors, for you have set me free. I turn my back on them and walk in newness of life through your power and to your glory. Amen.

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