
Out of the Goodness of His Love

Answer me, O Lord, out of the goodness of your love; in your great mercy turn to me. Do not hide your face from your servant; Answer me quickly, for I am in trouble. Psalm 69:16-17 (NIV)

I appreciate the honesty and transparency of the men who wrote the Psalms. David, especially, is very candid. Read the first twelve verses of Psalm 69 and you’ll see the portrait of a man who is deeply troubled. He’s up to his neck with problems and drowning in sorrows. His life is filled with tribulations.

Yet in the midst of his woes, David focuses on God. In verse thirteen, the narrative changes when David states, “But I pray to you…” There lies the key; when David is in over his head, he runs to the One who can truly help. He recalls what he knows of God’s character and finds hope therein.

Our God is a loving God. He is merciful and good to those who call on His name. Though our circumstances are troubling, we can always run to God and pour out our pain, our grief, and our worries. Out of the goodness of His love, He opens His arms wide and says, “Come here, my child. This one’s too much for you to bear alone. Let me carry your load awhile.”

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