
Our Source of Strength

Hands pointing fingers at each other. Blame concept.

But David found strength in the LORD his God.

1 Samuel 30:6 (NLT)

The raid had ravaged their lives. Everything they owned had been seized, including their faith and common sense. Faced with this devastating loss, David and his men fell to their knees and wept, heart-rending sobs that left them depleted of strength and hope.

            As if the situation wasn’t bad enough, David’s men turned their sorrow into sedition. Talk of stoning their leader seeped through the ranks, the bitterness of loss simmering to a rage. Instead of beseeching God for help, the men blamed David. Instead of a solution, they sought a scapegoat.

            But David…. What a startling contrast in the face of tragedy. In his distress, David didn’t try to shift the blame. He didn’t run away or seek counsel. David found strength in the LORD his God. Note the intimate nature of David’s relationship with God. His faith was deep and personal. From the pastures where he watched sheep to the desert where he fled from Saul, David experienced God’s saving grace again and again. He knew, firsthand, that God was greater than any trouble he might face.

            Dark times may tempt us to shift the blame on the nearest scapegoat. Whether it’s the health system, the schools, the doctors, the environment, someone has to bear the brunt. Yet God calls us to a greater response than bitterness or anger. He invites us to run to Him and turn our struggle over to the One who is able to accomplish infinitely more than we could ever ask or think. Believe me; He’s got this.

Thought: “When circumstances overwhelm and seem too much to bear, depend upon the Lord for strength, and trust His tender care.” ― Sper

For further reading:

  • Psalm 46:1-3
  • Isaiah 30:15
  • Ephesians 3:16, 20
  • Ephesians 6:10

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