
On Making Wise Choices

God urges us to ask for His guidance in every situation, to seek His divine wisdom for those difficult choices that will inevitably fill our days.

“So the men took some of their provisions, but did not ask counsel from the Lord.” Joshua 9:14

This short but significant verse in the story about the Gibeonites deceiving the Israelites is one worth studying and remembering. Joshua and the men of Israel looked at the evidence – old bread, worn sandals, and burst wineskins – and accepted the veracity of their story. One critical element stands out; they didn’t ask God before they made a peace treaty with the Gibeonites. Three days later, the Israelites discovered that the Gibeonites were actually their neighbors, people they should have wiped out in their efforts to claim the land God had promised them. Joshua made a crucial decision without seeking counsel from the Lord. 

You and I are at our most vulnerable when we are pressed with seemingly obvious facts that, in reality, might not be accurate. So how do we make wise choices? First, pray for wisdom and discernment. Second, weigh your decision based on what you know of God and His Word. If you are still struggling with an important decision, seek guidance from a trusted friend, Christian mentor, or spiritual leader.  

Prayer: Lord, guard our hearts and minds from those who would try to deceive us. Help us make decisions that are in agreement with your word and in step with your Spirit. Amen.

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