
No Compromise

Noah walked with God.

Genesis 6:9 (ESV)

                Noah was one of those people who stood out in a crowd. He was the kid at school who was teased because he wouldn’t take part in bullying younger students. He was odd man out because he wouldn’t hang out at the bar to share dirty jokes and check out the women. He was the one reading the Bible in a room full of guys flipping through the Playboy magazines. He stood out because he’d made a deliberate choice not to compromise his walk with God.

                His peers weren’t the only ones who noticed Noah – God did. The Message translates verse 8, “But Noah was different. God liked what he saw in Noah.” One man, in a crowd of sinners, caught God’s eye. As a result, he and his family were spared when the flood waters covered the earth.

                Let me ask you a personal question: does God say the same of you? Replace Noah’s name with yours. But ___ was different. God liked what he saw in ____.

                Today, make the choice to stand out. Don’t compromise. Stand firm in your faith, even if it means standing alone.

                Take heart, my friend. God will take note of it. And though you may feel alone, you are not truly alone as long as God is walking by your side.

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