

Even though enemies attacked him, shooting at him and pursuing him viciously,

nevertheless his bow remained steady and his arms kept in shape

by the strength of Jacob’s Mighty One, in the name of the Shepherd, Israel’s Rock.

Genesis 49:23-24 (ISV)

Steady under fire. That’s Joseph. Once a proud teenager who swaggered, flaunting his coat of many colors and boasting about his dreams. In just one day, Joseph went from spoiled to slave, from favored to forgotten. Daddy’s pet was thrown into a pit, sold to strangers, wrongly accused, and then sent to prison for a crime he didn’t commit. When he set his hopes on a cupbearer, the man promptly forgot him as soon as he was on the right side of the bars. Who would fault Joseph had he given in to discouragement? After all, it seemed like he was bound for a life of continual disappointments.

Nevertheless. I love that word! It offers such promise and hope. It defies the odds and restores faith in God’s promises. It turns the tables on everything we know and see from a human perspective. It reminds us to be still and trust that God is at work, orchestrating every detail of our lives.

            Nevertheless, his bow remained steady… by the strength of Jacob’s Mighty One. Joseph’s steadfastness was not merely the result of his life experiences, although they surely played a part. His steadfastness was rooted in God. His strength was founded in the One who never falters nor wavers.

            The God of Joseph is the same God we serve today. If you have a journal, jot down your current struggles (if you don’t have a journal, now is a good time to start). It might be monetary. It could be a relationship that has soured or a dead-end job. Beside each difficulty, write nevertheless, I will trust and remain steadfast through Christ who strengthens me. Then stand back and be amazed what God can do in a life that is firmly rooted in Him.

Thought: Nevertheless – don’t put a period where God has placed a comma because He’s still hard at work in your life.

For further reading:

  • James 1:12
  • 1 Corinthians 15:58

2 replies on “Nevertheless”

  1. This is one of my FAVORITE words in the Bible! Thanks for new thoughts on where it is used and the encouragement it is giving me today and for my outlook on the new year!

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