
My Little Quiet Place 

Guest Post by Author Charlene Warren

Recently when I was getting ready to go to bed, I had some humorous thoughts. Surely the Lord was in this, I thought. He appeared to be showing me His sense of humor through the following cute little rhyme. So, I began to write the words down.

Let me first set the background: In the corner of my My Little Quiet Place bedroom, I have a blue upholstered chair. It has significance in that, a few years ago, I wanted a quiet place for prayer. It was my birthday, and my husband and I were going for a drive that day. Along the way, I saw a nearby flea market. For fun, I wanted to look for a small blue chair for our blue bedroom. I had a specific visual in my mind of what it should look like. Amazingly, as we walked through the store, it did not take long to find the perfect one: A Wedgewood blue-striped upholstered chair – just right for the corner of the bedroom. It was small, in excellent condition, and affordable. It even came with a matching ottoman. Super! This had to have been a ‘God’ thing.

I am convinced that God truly cares about the small things in our lives. Now I have that special ‘quiet place’ where I can get away with my Lord.


I have a little quiet place

   That I call ‘my space’ . . .

It has a small blue chair

   And I ‘hang out’ there . . . a lot.

Somehow my best friend knows

   Just where I daily go . . .

To this little quiet place

   That I call ‘my space’.

I find solace and comfort there.

   And it’s where my friend and I meet to share

Face-to-face in this little quiet place . . .

   That I call ‘my space’.

From here my greatest inspiration comes.

   Would you like me to recite you some?

But my friend deserves all the credit.

   Because it’s from Him that I get it.

Thus, it’s to this little quiet place

   That I call ‘my space’

I will daily go,

   To meet with the Son

 Whom I personally know.


Verse: ”Be still and know that I am God.”

                                    Psalm 46:10a NKJV

Much of Charlene’s career experience was in office administration and primarily in the field of social services. Her most rewarding time, though, was when she served at Saddleback Church under Pastor Rick Warren and the Student Ministry staff. 

She and her husband of nearly 60 years are the parents of four grown children and six grandchildren. After retiring, Charlene pursued her writing interests. She also enjoys drawing and sometimes expresses herself by illustrating some of her writings. Her published works include a divinely inspired book of poems and essays, much of which reflects God’s creation and His love. The “MO State Poetry Society” also has printed one of her poems in their publication. Gospel Publishing has used several of her devotionals for their adult ministry. And more recently, Focus on the Family chose a story she submitted to them on Families in Ministry.

Over the past 14 years, she has had the privilege of leading a ladies’ Life Group at her church in Springfield, MO, into a deeper spiritual walk with the heavenly Father.

Charlene Warren

Website: charsgarden.com

Email: warren@charsgarden.com

Facebook: Charlene Warren

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