
More than Conquerors

Yet in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Romans 8:37 (NKJV)

Some days, I wish I could be a superhero, unfazed by troubles lurking around every corner. With a “pow!” or a “zap!” I would fend off threatening foes and carry on with my day as though nothing happened.

Unfortunately, life is messy, and no amount of superpowers can fix that. Yet Paul offers encouraging news. He tells us that through Christ, we are more than conquerors. Note he does not say, “When you pull yourself together,” or “Through your own power.” No, we are already victors through Christ’s Spirit who lives in us. The New Living Translation says, “Overwhelming victory is ours.” We don’t just squeak by with free-throw in a very tight match. Our victory is won by a landslide.

One commentary states, “When Paul writes that we ‘are super-conquerors,’ he uses a tense that suggests a present tense, active situation. In other words, he is saying that Christians ‘keep on winning a glorious victory.‘ He is saying that even when all of life is arrayed against us, we are still ‘super conquerors.’” (1)

 The next time you feel like you’re under attack, remember you are a more-than-conqueror through the power of Christ which lives in you. Victory is already assured because of your status in Christ.

No cape needed.

(1) ttp://www.sermonnotebook.org/new%20testament/Romans%208_37.htm

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