

Guest post by Author Linda Lowe Apple

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. ~ Philippians 4:8

This morning, I sat on my porch swing, having coffee with the Lord and enjoying the rain. I asked him what he wanted me to know for that day. As I waited for his reply, a female hummingbird flew under the protection of the porch and perched on a planter. She sat there watching me, on guard for the other hummer who dared to take a sip from her feeder. I delighted in this unexpected sight. And then the Lord said, “Enjoy moments like these. They are healing to your soul.”

I felt the truth in that. Small moments like these are often overlooked in this fast-paced, angry world. The temptation to be continually provoked leads me into a dark valley, and oftentimes, I don’t even realize it. I’m like a cartoon character with a dark cloud over my head.  It could be something I saw on the news, politics, disappointment, jealousy, or a critical attitude. Do I want that to be my guiding light? Not. At. All.

When I find myself in that dark place, I must ask myself if these thoughts are true. Are they honorable, pure, lovely, and admirable? Of course, the answer is no. There are so many lovely blessings I could focus on instead. Moments like a visit from my little hummer, the freshness of the rain, and being able to bathe in warm, drinking-quality water. I must trust my Abba Father with all those worrisome things that buzz in my ears like a nagging mosquito.

Don’t let the little things go unnoticed. Fill your mind with gratitude. As Robert Brault advised, “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”

Linda Lowe Apple is an award-winning author. She has authored five children’s books. She is currently working on a ‘how-to’ book on inspirational/memoir pieces. You can find her books on Amazon. For more information, check out her author website at linda@lindaapple.com.

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