
Little Known Memories of the Fallen

Guest Post by Author Charlene Warren

The year was May 1945, and the war was drawing to an end. Though most did not know it, freedom was on the horizon.


Their only son, the father of three little children and husband to a young wife, would not be coming home to Memphis. On that fateful day in May, their daddy’s destroyer was sunk by an attack by two kamikaze pilots. Of the 350 seamen aboard the USS Drexler, only 158 survived near Okinawa that dreadful day. The rest were lost at sea. Yet God knows where they rest their heads this night. (Rev. 20:13a NIV).

Unfortunately, the young man’s dream could not be realized and fulfilled. His potential musical career and love of country western music lay unfinished beneath the sea. He would never again play guitar in his musical group, “The Rambling Rangers.” They might have gone on to be renowned in their time.

One of those three little war orphans was destined to find God’s plan for him when he, too, was serving his country (as a Marine). He discovered that he was not fatherless as thought. There was one who loved him from the beginning of time, and His name was Jesus! He had an eternal father who would never leave him nor forsake him.

Scripture: “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling.” Psalm 68:5 NIV

Though many have had their lives altered by war, we are thankful to God for our servicemen and women. We honor their patriotism and self-sacrifice to make this a better place to live.

Under God, man is given the freedom to live in harmony. We are also grateful to our forefathers, who divinely gave us a document—a righteous standard for all Americans to live by some 248 years ago.

Much of Charlene’s career experience was in office administration and primarily in the field of social services. Her most rewarding time, though, was when she served at Saddleback Church under Pastor Rick Warren and the Student Ministry staff. 

She and her husband of nearly 60 years are the parents of four grown children and six grandchildren. After retiring, Charlene pursued her writing interests. She also enjoys drawing and sometimes expresses herself by illustrating some of her writings. Her published works include a divinely inspired book of poems and essays much of which reflect God’s creation and His love. The “MO State Poetry Society” also has printed one of her poems in their publication. Gospel Publishing has used several of her devotionals for their adult ministry. And more recently Focus on the Family chose a story she submitted to them on Families in Ministry.

Over the past 14 years, she has had the privilege of leading a ladies’ Life Group at her church in Springfield, MO, into a deeper spiritual walk with the heavenly Father.

Charlene Warren

Website: charsgarden.com

Email: warren@charsgarden.com

Facebook: Charlene Warren

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