
Let Freedom Ring

Guest Post by Author Julia Kay

Psalm 119:45 says, “I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts.”

Living in the Bible Belt makes it easy for me to assume everyone is a Christian. Maybe it’s because it’s so hard for me to imagine anyone going through the difficulties of this life without Christ. In the not-too-distant past, I had a conversation with someone, and their facial expression let me know I was in unchartered waters, but I kept chattering away. Then, in plain and pained language, I learned they didn’t believe the same things I did. Awkward! However, this taught me a valuable lesson about free speech.

I learned that there is no such thing as freedom without responsibility.

We live in such a divisive, volatile climate where our fellow Americans may not have the same beliefs we have. Family members who are believers in Christ may not have the same convictions. Friends and fellow church members may not have the same interpretations of the Bible as we have. Confusing? For sure! Difficult? Absolutely!

Psalm 119:45 says, “I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought your precepts.”

We may have the right to speak, the FREEDOM to say whatever we want to whoever we want, whether it’s in person or on social media, but we have also the RESPONSIBILITY to listen. We need to hear someone else’s concerns, to consider their point of view, to respect the fact that we’re all in this world together and God might not like the choices His children make, but He loves all His children. All. The. Time.

We can speak in love, right? Yes. But what if we listened with love first? What if we asked questions instead of offering our inflated opinions?

Without love and respect for each other, we experience a crippling inability to find common ground. We can’t unite to develop a workable game plan when action is necessary. Why? Because it shuts the doors on healthy communication. And shut doors are not symbols of freedom. They are symbols of bondage. And there ‘aint nobody got time for that!

Let’s enjoy freedom—responsibly.

Julia Kay holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Southwest Baptist University and MFA from Lindenwood University. She lives in Missouri with her husband and has four children. She is a columnist and blogger, but also wields her pen to write fiction that explores the human condition and the extraordinary love of God.

Contact information includes:

Website: www.juliakayauthor.com

Email: info@juliakayauthor.com

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