

He will once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.Job 8:21 (NLT)

I hear my son’s laughter clear across the house. It’s not just a chuckle or a giggle, but an all-out hilarity that bubbles up inside and eventually erupts in a loud, belly-shaking howl. I have no clue what’s so hilarious, yet it’s hard not to smile because his laughter is so contagious.

Given that he was so upset just minutes ago, I’m surprised at how quickly he can shift from one emotion to the other. Somehow, my son is able to switch off his dark mood when something funny triggers the happy side of his brain so he can fully immerse himself in whatever has captured his interest.

 Honestly, I’m a bit envious. I tend to cling to my negative emotions like they’re some prized possession. I struggle with the Lord, reluctant to yield to Him my anger, worry, and resentment. God, on the other hand, urges me to get rid of those feelings that drag me down. When my mind is free of negative emotions, I’m so much more receptive to the little nuggets of joy God sprinkles throughout the day.

Laughter is a precious gift from God. In a world so permeated with evil and sadness, it provides a respite to our weary souls and allows us to forget, at least for a while, all the cares and worries that weigh us down. Laughter often brings healing.

God wants to fill our mouths with laughter—not superficial, temporary amusement that washes away with the next wave of emotions, but genuine and buoyant joy that can withstand the storms of life. When we cast our cares upon God, trusting him to work all things according to His plan, then our hearts and minds are freed to appreciate the funny side of life.

Thought: “Laughter is the most beautiful and beneficial therapy God ever granted humanity.” –Chuck Swindoll

Excerpt from my devotional, A Year in God’s Classroom


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