
Labor Day

Definition: Labor – Physical or mental exertion, particularly for some useful or
desired end; toil; work.

What is the celebration of Labor Day all about? In days past, it would signal that
all children would go back to school the day after Labor Day. Summer would be
considered over though the weather did not always cooperate with that plan and
Fall would begin. It was also the cue for public swimming pools to close for the

The main reason the U.S. and Canada observe this day on the first Monday in
September is to honor the working class of people. The unwritten rule of dress in earlier times was that after Labor Day, women in particular, were not to wear
white clothing, etc. Dark-colored attire was more acceptable.

God’s Word tells us as far back as the Book of Genesis that when man sinned and fell from God’s grace, he would toil by the sweat of his brow all of his days.

“Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life . . . By the sweat of your brow, you will eat your food until you return to the ground . . .” Genesis 3:17b, 19a (NIV)

Some may feel this to be harsh and unloving in our day and time. It appears that
some are resisting God’s order for mankind. The work ethic is for the benefit of
all. We, as a people, have opportunities to live well-adjusted lives by sharing the
responsibility of helping to make this a better society in which to live . . . and
work. Work ethics can give us purpose and meaning. It helps in furthering a
society to function appropriately – everyone doing his fair share. One’s self-image is heightened when we have responsibilities. We all need to be needed, and it is accomplished by doing our share of the duties meant for mankind.

So, with that shared, praise God for those who are doing their part in being
responsible citizens in making this land a better place for ourselves and our families.

God so ordained that man should have dominion over the earth and steward it
well: “Then God said, “Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Genesis 1:26 (NKJV)

Much of Charlene’s career experience was in office administration and primarily in the field of social services. Her most rewarding time, though, was when she served at Saddleback Church under Pastor Rick Warren and the Student Ministry staff. 

She and her husband of nearly 60 years are the parents of four grown children and six grandchildren. After retiring, Charlene pursued her writing interests. She also enjoys drawing and sometimes expresses herself by illustrating some of her writings. Her published works include a divinely inspired book of poems and essays, much of which reflects God’s creation and His love. The “MO State Poetry Society” also has printed one of her poems in their publication. Gospel Publishing has used several of her devotionals for their adult ministry. And more recently, Focus on the Family chose a story she submitted to them on Families in Ministry.

Over the past 14 years, she has had the privilege of leading a ladies’ Life Group at her church in Springfield, MO, into a deeper spiritual walk with the heavenly Father.

Charlene Warren

Website: charsgarden.com

Email: warren@charsgarden.com

Facebook: Charlene Warren

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