
Just Shine

Guest Post by C.A. Simonson

“You are the light of the world, so let your light shine before men so that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”(Matthew 5:14-16)

“The language is so offensive, and everything feels so dark. I don’t know what to do,” Diana said.

“Just shine,” her friend replied. “Reflect the love of Jesus.”

“How?” she wondered.

“If they curse, bless them with words of kindness. When they offend, don’t react. Respond with mercy and grace. Let His light shine through you.”

A few weeks later, Diana exclaimed, “You helped me so much,” she said. “Every time I was offended, I remembered, ‘just shine.’ When I prayed, it seemed God showed me how to respond. One lady said I glowed,” she grinned, “like a firefly in the night.”

Paul was that kind of light when chained in the Mamertine prison in Rome. Known as the House of Darkness, this dungeon was dim, dirty, and dank. Paul found himself in stench and neglect. As a political prisoner, he awaited execution. Instead of despair, he let his light shine. His influence saved guards and even touched Caesar’s household. Saints were encouraged and emboldened to share their faith (Acts 16:11-15).

 The Living Bible puts Matthew 5:14-16 this way: “Don’t be a loose flickering lightbulb vacillating between light and dark. If you only give the appearance of being a lightbulb without plugging in, it will be obvious if you’re the real thing…or not.”

I want to be God’s light in a dark world like Paul. If I keep my wick (spirit) trimmed and drenched in the oil of the Spirit, God will keep kindling the flame of His love within me.  This year, I will plug into God’s POWER and let His energy flow through me so I can “shine like stars,”– like fireflies in the night. (Philippians 2:15)

PRAYER: Lord, may I not look for excuses for dullness, but rather look for opportunities to share the light You’ve put within me. AMEN.

A devotion from God Help Me, an interactive devotional journal.

C.A. (Candy) Simonson is a freelance writer and novelist. She began writing nonfiction articles in the 1980s with almost 800 articles published in multiple national or online magazines. Her award-winning stories are in seven anthologies, including Chicken Soup for the Soul. Her debut young adult novel, Love’s Journey Home, published in 2013 was followed by seven Christian YA novels and five nonfiction books. As a former IT computer trainer/teacher, she enjoys assisting other authors with book formatting, self-publishing, cover design, and sharing her technical and writing knowledge with writers’ groups. She serves the Springfield Writers’ Guild Board as the 2024 President and SWG webmaster. 


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