
And Jesus, perceiving in himself that power had gone out from him, immediately turned about in the crowd and said, “Who touched my garments?” Mark 5:30 ESV

In his gospel, Mark tells us a great crowd followed Jesus and thronged about Him (verse 24). Think onlookers at the Macy’s Day parade or Black Friday crowds at the mall. “They thronged him (συνέθλιβον αὐτόν) Literally, pressed close upon himcompressed him” (Pulpit Commentary, Biblehub.com). Yet amid that crushing crowd, Jesus felt – not just the power that flowed from him – but a need and a faith so extraordinary that His attention was drawn to the woman who had touched His garments.

“. . .  It tells me that God knows what I’m doing when no one else does. It tells me my prayers and my desires and my hurts and my questions are not lost in the cacophony of the crowd around me. Even in the noise of the world that seems to drown out my voice to others, God hears. The world may not care about what happens to me and in fact, might press me down in their rush to move along the street of life, but God cares. He won’t let me get lost in the crowd. He knows my touch among the throng of people that crowd around and might try to still my voice. . . God hears me, even when others don’t. He listens, even when others try to crowd me out. He responds to my touch, even though it is so brief and so gentle that most would never notice a touch has been made. This story tells me God really cares about us individually. He picks us out of the crowd and meets us where we are and meets our specific individual need, not what the roar of the crowd suggests.”1

Are you in need of healing? Are you struggling with an issue that just won’t go away, that others might have brushed off but you still wake to its reality every morning? Dare to step into His presence. Ask Him for a special touch, a fresh outpouring of His power upon your life. Don’t even consider for a moment that He doesn’t care or that He is too busy to notice you. Psalm 139 reminds us that God knows every single little detail about us. He even knows what’s on our minds before we even speak. So step out in faith. He will meet you right where you are.

1 https://richardagee.com/2016/07/25/he-feels-our-touch-mark-530-34-july-25-2016/

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