
Just a Somebody

“Abraham was only one man when I called him.

But when I blessed him, he became a great nation.”

Isaiah 51:2 (NLT)

            Only one man – just your average Joe, quietly living his seemingly insignificant life, a man with limited vision and human-sized dreams. He wasn’t on the Forbes list of highest-paid shepherds, didn’t make the cover of GQ magazine, and wasn’t born into fame. Yet Abraham, just one seemingly insignificant person, had one thing to his credit; his heart was yielded to God and, as a result, God blessed him.

            The lesson here is that no one is a nobody to God. You and I have incredible worth in His eyes. He can use me, He can use you, insignificant as we might sometimes feel, to accomplish His purpose. As long as we are willing to listen to His voice and follow His calling, we can have a tremendous impact for God’s Kingdom.

Or perhaps you’re in ministry and you don’t feel like you’re making a difference. You keep plowing and planting the seeds, but nothing seems to grow. Like Abraham, you may not see the fruit of our faithfulness here on earth, but I know for certain you will find out when you step into Glory. Don’t grow faint of heart. There is more happening in the soil than you realize.

“Dreamed I went to heaven and you were there with me

We walked upon the streets of gold beside the crystal sea

We heard the angels singing, then someone called your name

You turned and saw this young man and he was smiling as he came

And he said, ‘Friend, you may not know me now,’ and then he said, ‘but wait

You used to teach my Sunday school when I was only eight

And every week you would say a prayer before the class would start

And one day when you said that prayer, I asked Jesus in my heart.’

Thank you for giving to the Lord

I am a life that was changed

Thank you for giving to the Lord

I am so glad you gave

Then another man stood before you and said ‘remember the time

A missionary came to your church and his pictures made you cry

You didn’t have much money but you gave it anyway

Jesus took the gift you gave and that’s why I’m here today.’

One by one they came, far as the eye could see

Each life somehow touched by your generosity

Little things that you had done, sacrifices made

Unnoticed on the earth, in heaven now proclaimed.

And I know that up in heaven, you’re not supposed to cry

But I am almost sure there were tears in your eyes,

As you stood before the Lord, He said,

‘My child look around you, for great is your reward.’”

(Songwriters: Tony Moran / Andy Marvel / Andy Tripoli, sung by Ray Boltz)

Just somebodys, telling other somebodys about God’s grace – that is what we were created to do.

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