
It’s the Little Things

“If you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then those of them whom you let remain shall be as barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in the land where you dwell.” Numbers 33:55 (ESV)

The first time the low tire warning appeared on my dash, I wasn’t too concerned. I was headed to town to pick up some medicine for my cats, so I popped into Allison’s Tire to have them air it up.  When the warning light lit up a few days later, I suspected a slow leak. I returned to Allison’s, where they found an itty-bitty screw embedded in the rear tire (see photo).

It’s often the little things in life that drag us down. Habits that we’ve neglected to weed out, tendencies we’ve held on to, negative behaviors that remain as ‘barbs in our eyes and thorns in our sides.’ These ‘little things’ have the potential to trip us up and slow our spiritual growth.

I remember when I was sharing a house with a friend with a young daughter. I was behind the wheel, and even though I don’t remember where we were headed, I do remember three-year-old Stephanie making the comment, “Why do you yell at other drivers?” It was not a huge thing, but that moment certainly had an impact on me and the influenceable child in the back seat. It was a habit I needed to take care of sooner rather than later.

Because, over time, those little things have the potential to impede our forward momentum and may even land us in a ditch.

Prayer: Search my heart, Lord. Take a good hard look at my thoughts and behaviors. Point out anything you find in my life that makes you sad and help me correct them. In your name we pray, Amen.

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