
Is There a God?

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” Psalm 14:1 (NIV)

The debate over God’s existence is nothing new. It has carried on for centuries, as man attempts to replace God with science and philosophies. Many refuse to believe in God because He doesn’t fit their concept of what God should be. They want a God who won’t stand for injustice or suffering, as though man has the right to decide how God should or shouldn’t act. They assume a God of love is inconsistent with the world in which they live.

But the fool David is referring to “is neither ignorant nor an atheist. The word ‘fool’ is synonymous with wicked. It reflects the wisdom tradition where the ‘fool’ aggressively and intentionally flouts his independence from God and his commandments. The wicked were fools when they acted corruptly, shamelessly, and in willful disregard for the ways of God” – Willem VanGemeren, The Expositor’s Bible Commentary on Psalms.

Because of their rebellious hearts, corruption and evil have become a way of life. So why should it surprise us when people think and act according to their own desires? As followers of Christ, it is vital that we understand this: people who do not read the Word of God and who have not committed themselves to following Christ will establish their own rule of conduct. Because they don’t filter their thoughts and actions through God’s Word, they will live differently than us. Our response should not be to judge or condemn them but to pray for them and love them to Christ.

God did not call us to judge people or clean them up before bringing them to Jesus. He calls us to love people – just as they are – and pray them into Christ’s Kingdom. If Jesus was comfortable meeting with people just as they were, you and I have ample reason to do the same.

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