

Guest Post by Author Linda Lowe Apple

We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9 NLT

Spring is almost here, and tiny pairs of birds are already looking for the perfect real estate to build their nests. Every day they flutter around my porch, checking to see if I have hung my ferns. Is it my imagination, or do their black bead eyes seem to reproach me?

Their ceaseless flitting reminded me of a story a friend once shared about a pair that decided his barbeque grill was the perfect nesting site. I can understand why. The vent hole proved a snug entrance, keeping them safe from cats and hawks. The cover protected them from wind and rain. A win-win.

But what they couldn’t understand—the danger of fire.

Despite my friend repeatedly dismantling their partially finished nests, the tenacious little birds restarted building. After all, to them, it was an ideal location.  Eventually, he closed the vent. I’m sure the birds were frustrated by someone messing with their nest and forcing them to seek other options.

Reflecting on his story, I had to chuckle because I sometimes feel God is messing with my nest. I keep pursuing what I think is the perfect path, only to encounter obstacles at every turn. It’s so frustrating. This happened recently in a business venture where I was a partner. After almost a year of trudging down what seemed like a promising direction, praying for favor, and literally begging God for help, I thought of the birds. I had to ask myself, “Is God messing with my nest? Is there something I don’t know or can’t understand just yet?”  My prayer then shifted to seeking God’s guidance and trusting Him to put me on His path, and, of course, He revealed it.

Do you find your plans constantly frustrated? Does it feel like someone is messing with your nest? Maybe it is your loving Father guiding you toward a better way.

Linda Apple is an award-winning author. She has authored five children’s books. She is currently working on a ‘how-to’ book on inspirational/memoir pieces. You can find her books on Amazon. For more information, check out her author website at linda@lindaapple.com.

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