
Interrupt me, Lord

Interrupt me, Lord,

When my thoughts don’t align with yours,

When my vision is too small,

And my goals are self-serving.


Interrupt me, Lord.

When I insist on my own way,

When my plans upstage your purpose,

And my steps drift off course.


Interrupt me, Lord,

When fear overshadows faith,

When seeds of worry and doubt,

Grab ahold of my mind.


Interrupt me, Lord,

Before I speak words that are unkind,

When angry words hover on my lips,

Lest my speech dilute my testimony.


Interrupt me, Lord,

When I favor justice over forgiveness,

When greed trumps gratitude,

And pleasure holds more sway than discipline.


Interrupt me, Lord,

When conceit compromises my character,

When ambition supersedes integrity,

And my kingdom matters more than yours.


Interrupt me, Lord.

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