
I Will Not Be Shaken!

He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. Psalm 62:6 (NIV)

Life provides plenty of reasons for us to shake in our shoes, doesn’t it? From epidemics, pandemics, unemployment, racism, or a lack of money in the bank, our reality is constantly shifting. Tomorrow is not a given for any of us.

When David wrote Psalm 62, he was under attack. His options were limited and his future uncertain. Yet in the midst of his struggles, David affirmed, “He (God) alone is my rock and salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” This declaration was more than just wishful thinking. It was the testimony of a man who had witnessed God’s faithfulness, experienced His might, known His loving care, and found Him trustworthy.

Where is your hope anchored? If your hope rests on temporary things, you have reason to be shaken. People sometimes fail us. Resources can run out. Wisdom is arbitrary. God alone is unchangeable and steadfast. There is nothing and no one that can ever cause God’s faithfulness to waver. That’s a promise you can stand on.

Thought: “Faith is not being consumed with the emotions that come with the highs and lows while being able to grow in the process. Though you might feel afraid, sad, or disappointed, faith is not being shaken at your core but moving through your struggle one step at a time.” – Tim Tebow

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