
I Don’t Measure Up

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Romans 3:23 (NIV)

When our boys were young, I often took them swimming. Our local pool has three slides; one for toddlers, one for young children, and a red tube slide for those at least forty-eight inches tall. Each time we went to the pool, the boys had to stand against a wall ruler to be measured. Only those who measured up could receive a stamp on the back of their hand, granting them access to the tube slide.

            Our oldest was the first to reach the appropriate height, while his brothers had to content themselves with the kiddie pool. Eventually, our oldest twin measured up, leaving the younger one as the only one who couldn’t enjoy the tube slide. He’d watch with envy as his brothers entered the big slide at the top and then emerged at the other end.

I remember one particular day when our youngest was right at the cusp of reaching four feet. Full of hope and joyful expectation, he stood tall as a lifeguard measured him against the ruler. She shook her head, then motioned for the next child in line to step up.

            With tears in his eyes, my son ran into my arms. “Mom, I don’t measure up.” Such a bitter disappointment for a nine-year-old! Gently, I rubbed his back and offered the only words of consolation I could think of; “Maybe next time.”

You and I have a similar problem; we don’t measure up to God’s standards. The Bible tells us God is a holy God and He cannot look upon our sin. Therein lays the rub. No human being, other than Jesus, is without sin. When we measure our sinful nature against God’s holiness we fall short. But the Gospel doesn’t leave us without hope. On the contrary, God gave His only beloved Son as a sin offering. He took our sin, our faults, our shame, upon Himself so we might be cleansed from all sin. When God looks at us, He sees us through the filter of the cross; no longer stained by sin, but white as snow.

            Our youngest finally measured up, giggling all the way down the water slide. The very rules that had constrained him for so long rendered the ride that much sweeter.

Thought: “God gave His only beloved Son, so we might have eternal life.” – Renée Vajko Srch

For further reading:

  • John 3:16
  • Romans 3:21-24
  • Galatians 3:22
  • 1 John 2: 1-2

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