
I Choose Joy

Guest Post by Author Julia Kay

Nehemiah 8:10 says, “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Months ago, I planned a trip to the Gulf Coast, knowing the weather could be unpredictable in January.

Still, the possibility of warm, beachy days propelled me forward. When my group of traveling companions whittled down from four to one because of various scheduling conflicts, I considered canceling. But I remained determined. I knew the trip was exactly what I needed to enter the new year, so we set off for the Gulf Coast. Never mind the cloudy sky looming over us while we drove. Never mind the work trucks on the beach when we arrived. Not exactly the respite I had planned.

Yet, God gave me one beautiful afternoon where I sat on the balcony and soaked up the warm sun. I watched the seagulls and listened to the waves. I walked on the beach and talked to the Lord about the last year. I gathered seashells. I unwrapped my new word for 2024 as if it were a gift straight from heaven. I was thankful.

For a minute.

As soon as winter weather threatened to sweep across the northern states and severe thunderstorms were predicted to hit the southern states, we packed for an early departure. There was grumbling. Disappointment swelled in my soul as we left. It was all too easy to focus on everything that had gone wrong. I confess, I wanted to set up camp at the Woe Is Me Resort.

Can anyone relate?

But then, God sweetly reminded me of that one day He gave me along with the other treasured moments I had with a dear friend.

I found Nehemiah 8:10, which says, “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Sure, there is a time to grieve.

When we don’t get exactly what we want.

But Nehemiah was telling them it was time for renewal, time to leave their hour of mourning because God was bringing them into a season of feasting and rejoicing.

We can’t be effective if we let our regrets of yesterday become a prison, if our disappointments become a swampland, if grief snatches away our faith.

You see, choosing joy doesn’t mean we don’t ever feel any negative emotions. Joy is an inner confidence we believers have because of God’s providence, authority, provision, faithfulness, and love for us.

We must choose to remember His goodness and carry joy, trusting Him to renew us and transform us with His strength.

Joy ushers us into today without bitterness and condemnation stealing the sweetness of the moment.

Joy allows us to surrender our tomorrow without fear and worry.


Even when a situation or event doesn’t go exactly the way we planned. Even when the days seem darker, and sin seems more rampant than ever before.

We simply must choose Him, for He is our joy. And in Him is where our strength will always come.

Julia Kay holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Southwest Baptist University and MFA from Lindenwood University. She lives in Missouri with her husband and has four children. She is a columnist and blogger but also wields her pen to write fiction that explores the human condition and the extraordinary love of God.

Website: www.juliakayauthor.com

Email: info@juliakayauthor.com

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