
How to Handle Porcupines

“I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord.” Philippians 4:2-3 (NIV)

Have you ever had an encounter with a porcupine? I’m not referring to the rodent but to individuals who are prickly and quick to raise their quills. The church in Philippi was dealing with two women – possibly deaconesses from the narrative in Acts 16 – who were in disagreement. When my dad used to preach on this passage, he would refer to Syntyche as Soon-Touchy. Sound like anyone you know? Whatever the cause of their dissension, it disturbed Paul and the unity of the church in Philippi.

The “I am offended” culture (yes, there is such a thing!) has infiltrated our society, our legislature, and even our church. Somehow, we’ve gone from “I disagree” to ‘I’m offended.’ It is important to keep in mind that those who’ve developed a habit of taking things personally are often dealing with past hurts, a negative emotional state, stress, or psychological issues. When you are dealing with such a person:

  1. Handle with care. Be considerate. Be respectful. Be patient and forbearing.
  2. Handle with love. Paul urges believers to put aside all quarreling and jealousy and, instead, put on the Lord Jesus Christ who loves each one of us unconditionally (Romans 13).
  3. Handle with prayer. Ask God to speak to their heart as well as your own. Be open to the Spirit’s voice and conviction.

Jesus calls us to be of the same mind in the Lord and to follow his example of humility, self-control, and selfless love. Being of the same mind doesn’t mean that our opinion doesn’t matterit means that God’s honor and glory matter more.

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