
His Faithfulness – My Trust                               

Guest Post by Author Charlene Warren

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your paths.”                                                                                                           Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV


I have my pen in hand,

   Ready with great anticipation;

Awaiting His amazing revelation.

Let it not be said I seek it with reluctance;

   For His are everlasting promises & covenants.

I know for sure . . .

   His destiny for me is pure.

Divinely the inspirations come,

   To bring life & power

At just the appointed hour.

I am to be but mere putty in the Savior’s hands;

   Yielding to His design – carry out His plans.

What greater pleasures can there be

   Than to experience what he desires for me.

Though I know not the destination just yet,

   I have no need to doubt or fret.

To always trust Him with confidence,

   There is no room for doubt or pretense.

In His steadfast love, I can trust.

For the Father’s presence – forever a must.

I am thankful to be in His favor;

   And I will always praise my Dear Savior.


Words to Ponder:

Seek Him with great expectation and full surrender of will.

The journey is guaranteed not to disappoint.

Charlene Warren

Much of Charlene’s career experience was in office administration and primarily in the field of social services. Her most rewarding time though was when she served at Saddleback Church under Pastor Rick Warren and the Student Ministry staff. 

She and her husband of nearly 60 years are the parents of four grown children and six grandchildren. After retiring, Charlene pursued her writing interests. She also enjoys drawing and sometimes expresses herself through illustrating some of her writings. Her published works include a divinely inspired book of poems and essays much of which reflect God’s creation and His love. The “MO State Poetry Society” also has printed one of her poems in their publication. Gospel Publishing has used several of her devotionals for their adult ministry. And more recently Focus on the Family chose a story she submitted to them on Families in Ministry.

Over the past 14 years, she has had the privilege of leading a ladies Life Group at her church, in Springfield, MO, into a deeper spiritual walk with the heavenly Father.

Charlene Warren

Website: charsgarden.com

Email: warren@charsgarden.com

Facebook: Charlene Warren

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