
He Knows My Name

He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.

John 10:3 (NIV)

My British Mum was born shortly before WWII broke out. The first few years of her life were difficult and filled with raids, rations, and two evacuations to the countryside. After the war ended, her father returned home (he was a conscientious objector. Instead of sitting in a cell, he volunteered to dig up buried land mines). One day, as he was praying and preparing his Sunday sermon, he heard the Spirit’s voice whisper, “What about Noreen?” My grandfather rose from his knees and went to find my mother who was playing in her room. “Noreen,” he said, “while I was studying and praying, God’s Spirit whispered, ‘What about Noreen?’” My mother looked up, wide-eyed. “God knows my name?” She was shocked that the God of the universe knew her personally.

            Although my mother knew God was a personal God, she hadn’t fully grasped that He was intimately acquainted with her. In her “aha!” moment, she grasped the truth that God knew everything about her – even her name. My mother spent her life sharing that Good News with others.

            I am so thankful we do not serve a God who sits on His heavenly throne, watching us muddle through each day. He loves us, He cares about every struggle. He sees each tear we shed and makes note of them in His tearbook. He knows how many hairs we have on our heads. He knows our thoughts and our words before we even speak. It doesn’t get any more personal than that.

Thought: “I know I’ll be just fine because He knows my name.” – McRaes, He Knows My Name

For further reading:

  • John 10:14, 27-28
  • John 1:47-48
  • John 4:39
  • Psalm 139

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