

So you have sorrow now, but I will see you again;

then you will rejoice, and no one can rob you of that joy.

John 16:22 (NLT)

Their grief enveloped them like a thick fog. Their hopes and dreams, all their best-laid plans and prospects born of their encounter with Christ had been snatched away. Huddled behind locked doors, the disciples grieved; not just for their beloved master but for every expectation that had died along with Him.

            You and I know how the story ends. We understand those three days in the tomb were merely a hiatus and not the end; Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies, conquering death once and for all. Through His sacrifice and ultimate victory, those of us who have put our faith in Him have the assurance of eternal salvation.

            Heaven’s greatest loss was our greatest gain. His death is our salvation. Through His sacrifice, we are cleansed from sin. What appeared to be the worst possible outcome, turned out to be the most powerful victory. Tears turned to joy; sorrow transformed into rejoicing. Not just a temporary, shallow kind of joy but one that is eternal and so deep-rooted that nothing and no one can take it away.

That is the joy Christ offers those whose hope is in Him. You might be struggling through the darkest hour of your life right now. But God offers hope; though we have sorrow now, we will see our Savior one day, along with all of our loved ones who are in Christ. When we reach the Promised Land, we will experience a new kind of joy. A joy that is never more darkened by the shadow of a broken world. A joy that will be pure, whole, and ours forever.

Thought: “We need a renewed awareness of death, yes. But we need far more. We need a faith, in the midst of our groaning, that death is not the last word, but the next to last. What is mortal will be swallowed up by life.” ― Philip Yancey

For further reading:

  • Psalm 30:5
  • Psalm 94:19
  • Isaiah 35:10
  • Romans 15:13

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