
Grapevines and snowflakes

He (Jesus) prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.

John 15:2 (NLT)

            When they were young, the boys and I used to cut out paper snowflakes. We started with simple designs, then moved on to more detailed patterns which involved a lot of folding, bending, snipping, and cutting. Who knew you could make BB8 and stormtrooper snowflakes?

As I snipped here and cut there, I was reminded of God’s work in my life.  Sometimes God has to bend my will according to His purpose. Though most times it isn’t a pleasant process, I realize He has a design and a purpose for my future. I need to yield to His hand, assured that His plans are for good and not for evil and that the finished product will be stunning.

            Other times, God snips or trims away what does not fit His divine plan; anger, impatience, self-sufficiency, pride, selfishness. Every cut, every snip, is intentional and purposeful. Like the vine keeper, Christ prunes whatever is undesirable, clearing room for me to bear fruit in abundance and bring glory to His name.

At times, bending, folding, snipping, cutting, pruning, can be painful. But someday I will stand in God’s presence and see what He intended all along; He was making me into a pleasing and perfect work of art.

Thought: “The purpose of pruning is to improve the quality of the roses, not to hurt the bush.” – Florence Littauer

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