
God’s Powerful Hand

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Photo by Samir Jammal on Pexels.com

When I raise my powerful hand and bring out the Israelites,

the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD.

Exodus 7:5 (NLT)

There was no question God orchestrated the events leading to the exodus. God’s powerful hand displayed His sovereign strength and might. Not only did the Israelites depart victorious, they stripped the Egyptians of their wealth. Winner takes all.

            Sometimes God acts in ways that leave us speechless. Our family has witnessed several miraculous answers to prayer, evidence that God was acting on our behalf; a stove someone was donating the day after ours stopped working. A free car offered to us after mine was totaled. A new refrigerator and washing machine when ours broke down. A woman who handed us a hundred dollars when we had more month than money in the bank.

            At other times, God’s acts are more subtle yet no less powerful. Deuteronomy 29:5 tells us that during the forty years the Israelites wandered through the wilderness, their clothes and sandals never wore out. No shopping sprees required. No mending needed.

            Miracles are the blessings that bring us to our knees in heartfelt admission of God’s sovereign touch in our lives. The same God who worked in mighty ways for His chosen people is the same God today. His might and power have not diminished over time. His love and mercy remain unchanged. God sustains those He loves – because that’s the kind of God we serve.

Thought: “Our Lord is changeless. He has been mighty in the past, and that has not changed. He has been loving and full of blessing, and that has not changed,” – Dr. David Jeremiah

For further reading:

  • Exodus 19:4
  • Psalm 118:16
  • Psalm 89:13-15
  • Nehemiah 9:21

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