
God’s Paradigm Shift

Some who seem least important now will be the greatest then,

and some who are the greatest now will be the least important then.

Luke 13:30 (NLT)

Young children love to be first in line. Ask any early-elementary teacher and they’ll agree that kids like to be first, the leader, or the best in most activities. After all, who wants to settle for last or even someplace in the middle?

Unfortunately, it’s not just children who buy into this philosophy. Many people spend their lifetime struggling for wealth, power, fame, success, or popularity. Who they are and what they own are the apex, the ultimate goal for which many strive.

            But God turns this mindset upside down. It’s not our physical beauty, our intellectual prowess, or the content of our banking account that matters to Him – it’s the state of our hearts. Love matters more than looks. Kindness trumps knowledge. Faithfulness is valued over fame or fortune.

            Jesus set the example when He washed the disciples’ feet, teaching them a lesson they would never forget: whoever wants to be first must be the servant of all. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:44-45).

            Do you spend your days serving others? Do you feel as though your work counts with respect to eternity? I have great news for those of you who faithfully live a life of service; though your work might go unnoticed by human eyes, God sees every task you undertake with humility and for His glory. He’s saving one of the best seats in heaven just for you.

Thought: “A servant of God has but one Master. It ill becomes the servant to seek to be rich, and great, and honored in that world where his Lord was poor, and mean, and despised.” – George Mueller

For further reading:

  • Matthew 19:30
  • Matthew 20:16
  • Mark 10:31
  • Psalm 75:7

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