
God of the Impossible

For nothing is impossible with God.

Luke 1:37 (NLT)

The French have a saying, “Impossible n’est pas français.” Translated literally, it means, “Impossible isn’t French,” suggesting there’s no such thing as “can’t.” While I admire their positive outlook, I’d have to disagree. Some things in life are impossible. So many issues I can’t fix.

            But God can. The Word of God tells us that God can do all things. There is nothing beyond His control or power. Nothing. Does He always exert that power? No. Because His plans are not always the same as ours. Sometimes He moves the mountain in our way, other times He gives us the feet of a deer to climb the mountain. Sometimes He calms the storm, other times He calms our hearts in the midst of the storm.

            We don’t always have the final word when it comes to life-changing events. But God does. Nothing and no one can stand in His way. God is the God of the impossible. This is not an old proverb or wishful thinking. It is the essence of God’s almighty power.

            The next time you confront a mountain, don’t shrug your shoulders and concede defeat. Talk to the mountain-mover. He loves to work jaw-dropping miracles.

Thought: “The mountain will tell you that you can’t make it over
It will try to convince you that it’s way too high
Though you feel defeated, know that God keeps His promise
So you tell the mountain just how big your God is.”

Lyrics by the Collinsworth Family, “Tell the Mountain”

For further reading:

  • Jeremiah 32:27
  • Matthew 17:20
  • Matthew 19:26
  • Mark 10:27

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