
Finding the Answer

Lifting up his eyes, then, and seeing that a large crowd was coming toward him, Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat? He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do. John 6:5-6 ESV

Lately, I’ve been watching some of the political debates and interviews (a form of self-torture) just to familiarize myself with candidates’ positions on important issues. It’s amazing how many politicians skirt the topic when asked a direct question and go off on tangents about this or that.

Now I’m not here to discuss politics (it’s okay, you can breathe now). Rather, I’m using them as prime examples of Philip’s response when Jesus asked him where to buy bread. Mind you, it was quite likely that Philip attended the wedding in Cana and witnessed the water-to-wine miracle. Philip had observed Jesus’ divine power and wisdom. Yet, rather than addressing the ‘where’ question, he got sidetracked with the math: “Even if we could buy food, it would cost an arm and a leg.”

Jesus didn’t ask because He needed a financial analysis. He posed the question in order to test and stretch Philip’s faith. He wanted Peter to look beyond the problem and see the Provider.

This is so typical of me. My head gets stuck at the size of the mountain and forget the Mountain Mover is standing right in front of me, waiting for me to say, “I don’t know the answer but I know Who does.”

This is the definition of trust; it’s all about surrendering my mountains to God. Whether a hillock or Mount Kilimanjaro, God is able. In the end, it’s not about figuring out the what. It’s about trusting the Who. 

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