
Finding Home

Lord, through all the generations you have been our home! Psalm 90:1 (NLT)

Lately, I’ve been reminiscing and contemplating on the concept of ‘home.’ Like a restless hermit crab, I’ve had to trade homes over and over again. I’ve lived in England, France, Switzerland, and now the United States. Even on this side of the Atlantic, I’ve moved over a dozen times.

For wanderers like me, the question remains, “Where is home?” My struggle—and it’s very real—is that my heart is constantly torn in four directions. More distressing is the question every traveler considers deep down inside: If one leaves a place to resettle elsewhere, have they left home? Will they ever be able to return and resume where they left off, or will returning feel like an old pair of comfy jeans that no longer fit properly?

So my question remains: Where is home? Some will suggest home is where the heart is. Others theorize that home is where memories are created. Yet I feel like there is more to home. Home is more than a physical place, more than memories and the presence of people you love. Scripture tells us our earthly homes are just temporary dwelling places because home is not a place; it’s a person.

What does this mean for you and me? It means that no matter where life takes us, no matter how unstable our circumstances, we can find comfort in His steadfast arms. He is our home now and forevermore.

 Prayer: Lord, when life renders me restless and insecure, remind me that you are my home. There is no place on earth or in heaven that can compare with you. Your everlasting arms hold me securely whatever I may encounter and wherever I may wander until the day you call me Home for all of eternity. Amen.

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