

I am the LORD your God,

Who takes hold of your right hand

And says to you, “Do not fear;

I will help you.”

Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)

Fear is an emotion we all face at some point. Fear is often the result of a lack of information. We fear the dark because we can’t see what is going on around us. We fear the future because we can’t make out what might be looming ahead. We fear certain responsibilities because we can’t predict how people will respond.

            Fear is part of living in a broken world. Yet fear is never of God. On the contrary, the devil instills fear in our minds in order to lure us away from God’s purpose; complete faith and trust in Him. Sometimes, the devil plants a little seed of worry in our hearts. Other times, he whispers doubt to our minds. And where worry and doubt hang out, fear is usually not far behind.

            Today’s passage reveals God’s loving character. He doesn’t reprimand us, saying “What’s wrong with you? How can you be so afraid? Come on, get with it and get out there.” No, God reaches down and clasps our small frail hand in His big mighty hand and says, “Come on, child. Don’t be afraid. I am right here beside you. Let’s tackle this one together.”

Thought: “Replace what don’t know about the future with what you do know about God!” – Christine Caine

For further reading:

  • Isaiah 41:10
  • Psalm 63:8
  • Psalm 73:23
  • Joshua 1:9

Excerpt from my devotional, A Year in God’s Classroom


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