
Faithful God

He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands. Deuteronomy 7:9 (NLT)

His face was streaked with tears and his bottom lip quivered as he sat behind the customer service desk. Somehow, in my rush to get through the grocery store, I’d rushed down one aisle, and up the next, thinking all three of my sons were following close behind. The other two had followed me, but one of my sons had stopped to look at an item on a shelf. When he looked up, I was gone along with his two siblings. Although he searched for me, he couldn’t find me.

Eventually, one of the clerks discovered him wandering the store, brought him to the customer service desk, and paged me overhead. As soon as I heard the page, I grabbed the other two and rushed to the service desk. There he was, my lost little boy. The moment he saw me, my son’s face lit up.

“I thought you’d left without me,” he cried, rushing into my open arms.        

“You know I would never leave you,” I said, hugging him tightly against my chest. “I’m your mom and I love you too much to ever do such a thing.”

I’ve had times when it felt like God left without me. One minute I felt safe and secure, sensing His presence beside me. Then something happened that shook up my world, leaving me to feel as though my loving heavenly Father had walked away, leaving me to cope alone.

God assures us He will never leave us. He is a faithful God and a loving Father who keeps the covenant he has made with us, one that can never be broken. He isn’t just fond of us, He lavishes love on us. If He loved us enough to pay the ultimate price for our redemption, rest assured He will never forsake us.

Thought: “At times when we feel forsaken, may we know the presence of the Holy Spirit who brings comfort to all human hearts when we are willing to surrender ourselves. May we be convinced that even before we reach up to Thee, Thou art reaching down to us.” – Peter Marshall

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