
Everyone included

For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NLT)

            One of the concepts we struggle with as human beings is God’s mercy. We are wary of grace in its simplest form. We are distrustful of the simple, the uncomplicated. Shouldn’t there be more to salvation than merely believing?

This nation, this generation, has erected so many barriers that it almost seems anathema to consider the word everyone. Yet God’s love is not exclusive. It is not provisional. It’s not a do-it-yourself package that comes with instructions. It is not subjective or prejudiced. It encompasses every human being, every soul, every person – the only condition is that they believe in Him and receive His gift of grace. The sinner who surrenders his life to Christ on his deathbed is as welcome as the individual who accepted Jesus’ salvation as a child and spent his whole life telling others about God’s grace.

            Everyone includes me. It includes you. His gift of grace includes the individual who can’t even voice the name of Jesus yet loves Him nonetheless. It includes the lost, the destitute, the prisoner, the sick, and yes, even the greatest offender. But we have to accept it and appropriate His gift. Have you accepted Jesus? Is He your Savior? If not, I would urge you to receive His wonderful gift. If you have accepted Christ as your Savior, rejoice! There’s a welcome home party waiting for you in heaven.

Thought: Whoever makes it clear: God exports his grace worldwide. For those who attempt to restrict it, Jesus has a word: whoever.” – Max Lucado

2 replies on “Everyone included”

  1. Renee, your Christmas messages have been very good but this one is the best. Merry Christmas!

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