
When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things. Mark 6:34 ESV

I am a planner. I like structure and start most mornings with a to-do list and a clear idea of what’s going to happen, when, and where. I can get pretty frustrated when those plans are disrupted. Sometimes I envy my husband who is much more flexible and able to go with the flow.

In today’s text, we read that Jesus and the disciples were planning a little getaway and a bit of much-needed R&R after teaching, healing, and casting out demons. Jesus told His disciples, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” Mark adds this important detail: “For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.” That’s a pretty intense schedule!

Though Jesus and the disciples sailed to this remote place, word got out and the people from surrounding towns rushed there ahead of them. Mark tells us when they reached their destination, there was a great crowd. So much for plan A. Onto plan B. Jesus could have sent the crowds away, could have whisked him and the disciples back onto the boat, and hightailed it out of there. But He didn’t. Despite His fatigue, despite His dire need for some rest, Jesus “had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.”

One of my struggles is that more often than not, my schedule focuses on me and my plans. Jesus, on the other hand, always focused on others. Their needs superseded His own. A note of caution is needed here. I am not saying we should become doormats. I’m not suggesting we should shrug off our own need for rest and the occasional time away from ‘Life.’ We can’t minister to others if we haven’t ministered to our own physical and mental needs. An empty vessel can’t pour into others. What I am saying is that there are times when God asks us to set aside our expectations, our plans, and our schedules in favor of His agenda.

When my focus is on me, and I jealously protect my schedule, my needs, and my ambitions for the day, when I am not open to His agenda, I risk missing out on opportunities to minister and further His Kingdom.

Let me ask you a question: How do you respond when your plans – valid as they may be – are disrupted? How did Jesus respond?

Let me leave you with this powerful thought by Tim Tebow: “God gives us today as a gift. He wants us to pursue it, not just for selfish ambition but to do something meaningful with it. To use it to grow to love others well, to help someone, to pursue a dream He’s put on our hearts, … to be open, to believe, to hope.”

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