
Embrace the Wait

“Saul sent messengers to Jesse and said, ‘Send me David, your son, who is with the sheep.” 1 Samuel 16:19 (ESV)

David – the kid who hangs out with the sheep.

Though God had chosen David as the future king of Israel, Samuel had anointed him in front of his family, and though the Spirit of God had come upon him (vs. 13), David returned to the sheep pasture.

Just think about this for a moment: a newly anointed king guarding sheep! Why not send him off to basic training? Why not educate him in the art of warfare? Why not teach him sword fighting and self-defense? Yet, instead of taking the throne, David finds himself in a place of waiting.

As you read these words, you might find yourself in a similar situation. Keep in mind that a season of waiting is often a part of God’s calling upon our lives (Abraham, Joseph, Moses, to name a few). One doesn’t annul the other. Sometimes God anoints us, then sends us right back into the daily drudge until the time is right. Don’t force God’s timing. Embrace this place of waiting. He will use you as and when He sees fit.

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