“And I say, ‘Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.” Psalm 55:6 (ESV)
David penned this song when he was in deep anguish, possibly from his rebelling son Absalom or his friend Ahithophel’s betrayal. One followed on the heels of the other (2 Samuel 15), so it is possible this psalm refers to both.
How crushing to lose both a son and a close friend! We can only catch a glimpse of the pain David must have experienced. In his anguish, David watched with envy as doves took flight and found refuge and rest in nearby cliffs.
It is tempting, when we are hurting, to want to retreat from the world around us and lick our wounds. Hagar did (Genesis 16:6). When her mistress dealt harshly with her, she fled into the desert. But God; in His grace, He sought her out. In her ‘desert,’ Hagar encountered “The One who saw me and looks after me.” She would bear a son and name him Ishmael, which means ‘God hears’ (Genesis 16:11-13).
God did the same for David. In one of his darkest moments, David discovered what he truly needed was not a relocation but a refuge – someone who would hear the cries of his heart and wrap him in His loving arms. “But I call to God, and the LORD will save me. Evening and morning and at noon, I utter my complaint and moan, and He hears my voice” (Psalm 55:16-17).
Have you been let down or betrayed by those who are supposed to be your family and friends? Sadly, those who are closest to us have the greatest ability to hurt us. In your desert—your place of pain—resist the urge to run away. Run to God instead. Give Him your hurt, your pain, your disappointment.
Ultimately, He will use your hurt to strengthen your spirit – if you allow Him to. He will not blot out the pain of betrayal in one fell swoop, but He will steadily bring you to a place where you can say, “Though they bend me, they won’t break me – for the LORD sustains me” (Psalm 55:22).
Prayer: Lord, you are my refuge, the One who cares and listens to the cry of my heart. Wrap your loving arms around me today. Sustain me in the midst of my pain. In your name I pray, Amen.
Thought: “I think betrayal is the deepest hurt. But it’s also the greatest opportunity to let Jesus teach me the richest wonders of grace.” Lysa Terkeurst.