
Discerning God’s Will

“Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.” Psalm 143:8

The phrase ‘God’s will’ is often misconstrued or viewed as a personal road map for our lives; where I attend college, what career I choose, who I will marry, where I live, whether to have seven or eight children (good luck with that 😊).

But God’s will for our lives is not a roadmap as much as a day-by-day process. It’s rising each morning, spending time with God before we fly out the door, and watching for God’s leading, or God Nudges, as I like to call them. It’s trusting Him to direct the next step, then the next, and the next. It’s being receptive to doors closing and waiting patiently for Him to open a window.

Discerning God’s will means being receptive to God’s agenda over our own. It’s asking the Lord, “What do you want to teach me today? With whom do you want me to share your love and grace? Where do you want me to minister this day?”

Our greatest degree of trust is found in our willingness to walk with God, moment by moment, day by day, without fretting over the future.

Prayer: Lord, I want to hear your voice, both in the morning and throughout the day. Remind me of your steadfast love as you guide me step by step and moment by moment. I will place my trust in you at all times. Amen.

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