
Different is Okay

We are the clay, and you are the potter.

We all are formed by your hand.

Isaiah 64:8 (NLT)

Clay is a fine-grained soil that is pliable when wet and hardens when heated. Temperature, malleability, and color vary according to what is added to the soil. In the hands of a skilled potter, a simple lump of clay can be molded and shaped into a unique vessel according to the potter’s design and purpose.

In the same way, God creates within each person unique traits and character. The work of the Master’s hands is diverse but never less than perfect. His design is never flawed.

Isaiah affirms, “We all are formed by your hand.” No one can claim, “I’m a mistake.” No one can state, “I’m flawed.”

One day, God will restore everything to its rightful state. Death, disease, disabilities, and disasters will be no more. We will be as God originally intended us to be; unblemished and holy in His sight. Until then, we would do well to remember we are all created according to His beautiful design. We are all formed by His hand, which means there are no greater or lesser vessels. One clay pot is just as valuable to God as the other because we’re all crafted by His loving hands.

Thought: “When you realize that God loves you and that He has a plan for your life, you can walk with your head held high — totally confident in who He created you to be.” – Joyce Meyer

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