
“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.” Isaiah 43:2

Have you ever encountered deep waters? My brother-in-law did, and he was swept into a flooded river. He was able to crawl out and grab a tree branch, but his car was swept downriver.

Life often has a way of sweeping us off our feet: a diagnosis, a pink slip, the loss of a loved one. These unexpected events can make us feel as though we are drowning. It’s hard to catch our breath. I’ve been there, my friends, and it’s downright grueling.

The thing is, God never promised we wouldn’t have to cope with deep waters – what He’s promised is that when we pass through those deep waters, He will walk alongside us. When we pass through the rivers, He will control their force so that they will not overwhelm us.

I can attest that each time I encountered deep waters, I called out to God, and He rescued me—not from the situation but from my fears, anxiety, and weariness. He sent help according to the moment and according to my needs. Not once did God shrug His shoulders and walk away.

I pray this gives you some hope. You and I are never alone in those deep waters because our heavenly Father hears our cries and He will see us through. He will never leave us because He is always faithful to those He loves.

The next time you are swept into deep waters, shift from focus from the what to the Who. Ask God to sweep you up in His arms and into His purpose.

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