
Daddy’s Home

Dedicated to my daddy, Pastor ‘Doc’ Robert Vajko, April 27, 1936 – December 20, 2020

Tiny feet patter across the floor

As Daddy walks through the door.

A squeal of delight as she sees his face

Then rushes into his warm embrace.

It’s time for a hug and a tickle

Maybe even a giggle.

Now that her daddy’s home.


She skips down the hall

Holding her favorite doll,

Then laughs with glee

As her father sits her on his knee.

She’s older now but still daddy’s girl

All’s right with her world

Now that her daddy’s home.


She’s fifteen going on sixteen

Quiet, studious, serene.

And even though she’s still pint-size

She’s pleased she has her daddy’s eyes.

Though she no longer runs down the hall

She’s always glad to hear her mother call

“Daddy’s home!”


From the family’s nest she’s flown

With a precious family of her own.

Yet though she can’t see Dad every day

She still gets on her knees to pray.

She asks the Lord to send His angels

To protect him as he works and travels

And to please bring her daddy safely home.


Now there’s just an empty chair

Where her daddy often sat in prayer

Talking to the Lord above

About the little girl he loved.

And though she misses seeing his face

She knows he’s in a better place

Because her daddy’s finally Home.


© Renée Vajko Srch, December 2020

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