
Comfort Zones

The LORD gave this message to Jonah son of Amittai: “Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh.

Announce my judgment against it because I have seen how wicked its people are.”

But Jonah got up and went in the opposite direction to get away from the LORD.

Jonah 1:1-3 (NLT)

Jonah had a problem. One moment, he was going along, minding his own business, just doing his regular job and enjoying life. The next moment, God saddled him with an unwelcome task. “Say what? Preach to the Ninevites? Don’t you know how wicked they are, Lord? You can’t be serious!” But God was serious. His plan for the people of Nineveh included uprooting Jonah from his comfort zone.

In many ways, I’m like Jonah. I appreciate the familiarity of my home and my habitual schedule. I value my routines, my well-trampled ruts, my opinions, my own ideas, and my well-thought-out plans. Unfortunately, comfort zones can impede our spiritual growth because comfort zones don’t require any great amount of faith. Instead, we become complacent and content with the status quo rather than striving for greater trust and obedience. Sometimes God has to pluck us out of the predictable in order to give our lives greater purpose.

That’s precisely what He did with Jonah. Jonah’s response? He put on his running shoes and took off in the opposite direction; “No way, God, I’m not taking on this assignment. Send someone else.” Thankfully, God is a merciful Father who is slow to anger. He pursues us with love and patience. He gave Jonah a second chance and Jonah finally obeyed.

Has God called you out of your comfort zone? Has He asked you to take on a task that seems too difficult? Do you question His purpose and His plan? Take heart, you’re in good company. Those God uses, He often uproots; Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Daniel, Mary and Joseph. And Jesus – He set the ultimate example when he left the comforts of heaven to come to our sin-riddled world. Because love sometimes requires personal sacrifice.

Thought: “God’s ultimate goal for your life on earth is not comfort, but character development.” –               Rick Warren

For further reading:

  • Genesis 12:1
  • Hebrews 11:27
  • Luke 2:4-5
  • Ruth 1:16

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