

Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ

to be holy and without fault in his eyes…

Ephesians 1:4, 11 (NLT)

My son shuffles down the school steps, head bowed, arms crossed tightly across his chest. Oh, boy! That doesn’t look good. Wonder what’s ruined his day? I force myself to smile as he climbs into the back seat and slams the door closed.

“Hi, sweetie,” I say, trying to instill some enthusiasm into my voice. “How was school, today?”

            “Awful!” he snaps, dumping his backpack on the floor. “I hate P.E.”

            “What happened?” Physical Education is one of the classes that gives him the most grief.

            “When they pick teams, I’m always the last one to be chosen.”

            Rejection stings. Yearning to belong is intrinsic to human nature. No one likes to be odd man out. Being excluded or uninvited smarts like a slap to the face. We tend to wonder what’s wrong with us; is it our physical appearance, our clumsiness, or our personality that makes us unpopular?

            I have good news for all of you outcasts; not only does God love you, He chose you before the world was created. Before there was life on our planet, before Adam and Eve were created, God loved you and chose you to be His beloved child. He had a plan for your life and was already prepared to send His Son to die for your salvation.

You are not an accident; God loved you and chose you in Christ. You might not be the best player but, hey, your heavenly Father picked you to be on His team. Not just for now, but for eternity.

Thought: “Don’t allow yourself to think your life is insignificant. You are God’s very handiwork chosen & commissioned for His purposes!” – Charlotte Gambill

For further reading:

  • John 6:37
  • Isaiah 43:1
  • Romans 8:28-30
  • Psalm 50:15

Excerpt from my devotional, A Year in God’s Classroom


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