Guest post by author Charlene Warren Delicately floating down from the heavens above; Each tiny flake sent from the Creator with love. Perfectly shaped & designed – making it one of a kind. How can it be that no two are alike? Viewed up close – what a beautiful sight. * Tiny little insignificant flakes, …
Category Archives: Poetry
Summer’s Last Hurrah
August – Summer’s last hurrah! Nature’s rousing crescendo and glorious opus Bidding us to join in heavenly birdsong, To take a deep breath and unwind, As we savor summer’s last tender moments. All too soon decisions will press us And schedules will constrain us. Nature will take its final bow Blazing with amber, scarlet, and …
Interrupt me, Lord
Interrupt me, Lord,
When conceit compromises my character,
When ambition supersedes integrity,
And my kingdom matters more than yours.
Daddy’s Home
Dedicated to my daddy, Pastor ‘Doc’ Robert Vajko, April 27, 1936 – December 20, 2020 Tiny feet patter across the floor As Daddy walks through the door. A squeal of delight as she sees his face Then rushes into his warm embrace. It’s time for a hug and a tickle Maybe even a giggle. Now …
“I cast my cares on the One who cares, One who hears and answers my prayers.
Ode to Autumn
Autumn arrived last night, lugging its trappings of hot chocolate, soft wooly sweaters, bright orange pumpkins, and bold hues of copper, amber, gold, and candlelight red. Autumn is not timid like the spring but bursts forth with brisk winds, rustling leaves, crisp mornings, and harvest moons. Autumn ushers in a season of closure as we …
Life’s Journey
Many years ago, I boarded a ship The boat was christened Life’s Journey It seemed a fairly worthy vessel A ship custom-built for me. I was headed to a land far way My destination heaven’s shore I knew my Savior waited there And loved-ones I yearned to see once more At times the seas were …
I asked my sons to clean the house, But all I got were frowns and grouse. When I handed them a list of chores, They ran to their rooms and closed the doors. After much wheedling, they eventually conceded That cleaning the house was truly needed. The list of chores was divided, fair as can …
Ode to Autumn
Autumn arrived last night, lugging its trappings of hot chocolate, soft wooly sweaters, bright orange pumpkins, and bold hues of copper, amber, gold, and candlelight red. Autumn is not timid like the spring but bursts forth with brisk winds, rustling leaves, crisp mornings, and harvest moons. Autumn ushers in a season of closure as we …
The Seed
Within every child there lies a seed Though tiny, it is rich with potential and purpose Inside that seed is the promise of life This is God’s gift of Grace. Though unseen through human eyes We know the seed exists For God creates us in His image This is the fruit of Faith. As we …