I am so thankful God is never in a hurry. “When the time had fully come, God sent his Son…” (Galatians 4:4). When he looked into the face of that tiny child, Simeon knew he had finally found the One he’d been waiting for – Jesus, the salvation of Israel.
Category Archives: Devotion
Poinsettia Hangs On – Why?
Those scarlet leaf points represent drops of blood my Savior shed for me. I will remember the scourges, the thorns, the nails and the sword – for they all drew blood. Blood drops were sown in soil that produced Easter lilies.
No Longer the Same
they were still the same men on the outside; they looked the same, had the same names, and had the same occupation. But they were transformed on the inside. Their life would never be the same because they had seen the Savior. That’s what happens when you meet Jesus.
The Gift of Peace
Peace on earth – this is what the angels promised that very first Christmas. Peace with God and peace within. Merry Christmas, my friends.
God in the Commonplace
Even today, He sets His throne among the common, the ordinary, the everyday places. He sets His throne among the humble, the nobodys, and the meek in spirit.
Jesus cannot be confined to just one name. The more we learn about Him, the more He becomes undefinable. Even one hundred names cannot contain all that Christ is. Jesus – name above all names – our eternal hope and salvation.
Unto Us
Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. God surrenders heaven to find you, to find me, whoever we are, wherever we are.
Elizabeth’s song
Perhaps you feel as though God has ‘withheld’ His favor from you, that He’s forgotten the silent cries of your soul. Take heart, my friend. God never forgets His children.
Trust the Wait
Guest Post by Author C.A. Simonson “Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14) It seems God takes His time waiting for the exact moment for eternity’s plan. For hundreds of years, people awaited the promised Messiah. Many Jewish girls dreamed of becoming the mother of …
Prince of Peace
Peace is not the absence of problems. Peace is a person, Jesus Christ Himself.