Christmas is the visible manifestation of God’s unconditional love. The Creator comes to dwell among the created; Love Himself, willing to suffer rejection for the sake of our souls. Might confined to a manger. Creator curtailed to the form of a child. The paradox of grace as the Almighty indwells the womb He created and walks the earth He brought into being.
Category Archives: Devotion
Wonderful Counselor
In Christ, we have a Wonderful Counselor. Not just a source of wisdom but Wisdom Himself. Not just someone who will listen and offer wisdom, but a God who came down from heaven to live among us, walk alongside us, carry our burdens, and stay with us through every struggle and hardship
Immanuel, God with us
Jesus – Immanuel – God with us. Not just for a time, not simply when we need His help, but a God who walks beside us every second of every day.
Through Jesus, we have eternal life. When He died on the cross, He removed that perishable state for all those who confess Him as LORD and Savior. Through His death, whoever (that means you and me) believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Although mortal physically, our souls will ascend to live in His presence for eternity
Our horn of salvation
God’s plan wasn’t political, it was spiritual. God sent His Son, Jesus, to be our Horn of Salvation. Through His death on the cross, He would liberate all who believe in Him from the oppression of sin.
The God who suffers with us
The vastness of God’s love is so immense He took on human form and came in person rather than send a proxy
Drab to fab
Christmas is about God bringing fab to the drab, light to the darkness, hope to the hopeless, and joy to the sorrowing.
When the time had fully come
Long before time began, God determined the moment He would send Jesus to our world. That time would not come too early nor too late. Jesus came at the right time, the right moment, and in the right place.
The Gift and the Giver
God’s greatest gift to humankind was given to us at Christmas; His one and only beloved Son. Anyone – that means you and me – who believes in Him receives eternal life
When God is Silent
It’s a natural tendency to mistake God’s silence for inactivity. When we pray and fail to hear an answer, we are tempted to believe God doesn’t care, that He’s wandered off, or He doesn’t care. Nothing could be further from the truth. God works some of His most powerful deeds in the wake of His ‘silence.’