Every day is Christmas for those who have placed their trust in Christ. His mercies are new every single morning, packaged and waiting for you to unwrap and claim them as your own. So go on, thank God, then open your gift. It’s everything you need for today plus a tad more.
Category Archives: Devotion
Watching and waiting
 Are you watching, waiting for God to answer your prayers? Be patient. Hang on to His promises. Don’t give up. God is never late. He will answer according to His will and His perfect timing.
Star of Bethlehem
We don’t need a special star to guide us to Jesus. We have His Word to guide us and His Spirit to lead us. When our earthly journey is over, we will end up right where we were always meant to be; in the presence of Jesus.
No longer the same
Once they finally returned to the hillside above Bethlehem, they were still the same men on the outside; same looks, same names, same occupation. But they were transformed on the inside. Their life would never be the same because they had seen the Savior. That’s what happens when you meet Jesus.
Peace on earth
In English, the word peace conveys an absence of strife. It is a passive state of being. Yet peace in this particular passage is anything but passive. The peace God offers is active; it refers to the act of reconciliation between God and man. Jesus laid aside His royal privileges and took on the flesh and limitations of man, in order to tear down the wall of sin which separates mankind from a holy God.
Everyone included
God’s love is not exclusive. It is not provisional. It emcompasses every human being, every soul, every person – the only condition is that they believe in Him and receive His gift of grace.
Jesus cannot be confined to just one name. The more we learn about Him, the more He becomes undefinable. Even one-hundred names cannot contain all that Christ is. Jesus – name above all names – our eternal hope and salvation.
Obedient Faith
We refer to Mary as the chosen one, yet God chose Joseph as well. He saw in him a man after His own heart, a man who was qualified to love His Son and raise Him as his own. A man who would stand beside Mary and love her for better or for worse. Joseph’s faithfulness and strength of character would be put to the test over and over again
God of the unexpected
Oh, that we might have the same attitude when God’s plans capsize our own. May we face disruptions with humble acceptance. May we say, my soul praises the Lord, even when our journey is rerouted, acknowledging that God’s unexpecteds are always far better than our own feeble plans.
When life seems to be falling apart
Where was God in Joseph’s darkest hour? Right where He needed to be – in the midst of it – fulfilling His marvelous plan for man’s salvation. In Joseph’s darkest moments, God was nearer to him than ever before.