
Rest for the Weary

My weariness was the result of too much ‘doing’ and not enough ‘being.’ When I stopped trying to rely on my own strength, my own wisdom, my own resources, and leaned into the One who fills me with all this and more, then the burden felt lighter and easier to bear. Because, ultimately, my struggles became His. And He is so much better equipped and able to deal with them than me.

The One Who Has Experienced It All

God’s classroom is about discipleship, it’s about learning from the One who has the experience and the authority. “We don’t have to rely on the world’s guesses and opinions. We didn’t learn this by reading books or going to school; we learned it from God, who taught us person-to-person through Jesus…” (1 Corinthians 2:13, MSG). If anyone can teach us about life it’s Him. 

He knows my name

I am so thankful we do not serve a God who sits on His heavenly throne, watching us muddle through each day. He came to our world as a baby, lived among us, and died for us. Jesus loves us, He cares about every struggle. He sees each tear we shed and makes note of them in His tearbook. He knows how many hairs we have on our heads. He knows our thoughts and our words before we even speak. It doesn’t get any more personal than that.